Weight Loss Program – 6 Week kick start

Not losing weight fast enough? Feeling tired all the time or getting cravings?

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These are common complaints for those who have tried to lose weight before. What is also common is people shed the initial pounds, only to put it back on and more when coming off a diet.

So why does it happen when I diet?

Most diet plans are “one size fits all” and don’t take in to account our different metabolism. Some people need more protein to function at their best while others need more carbohydrates. We are all different. However, most diet plans focus on restricting calories, which puts the cells into ‘starvation’ mode, which means they learn to store whatever they can in case there isn’t enough food coming for some time. Many conventional low calorie/low fat diets also involve eating bland, tasteless foods, that are both nutritionally inadequate and difficult to follow long-term. Lastly, there may be some hidden underlying conditions that make losing weight difficult, like slow metabolism, insulin resistance or hormonal imbalance, that is never considered in a general weight loss diet.

How does the Life Clinic’s Advanced Weight-Loss System™ differ from other weight loss programs?

It is based on the latest science in weight management. Our doctors check for any underlying conditions that may get in the way of your successful weight loss, and help you correct them if necessary.

It is personalised. Our nutritionist evaluates your individual metabolism, and tailor-makes a nutritionally-balanced diet just for you to ensure not only maximum weight loss, but also with minimum loss of energy and vitality.

We use whole foods, which are tasty, real, easy to prepare, and practical to maintain on the long-term.

We augment these foods with the highest-quality supplements to optimise your weight loss, and minimise symptoms such as hunger, brain fog or fatigue.

It is fully supported. You will have a team of Doctors, Nutritionists and Personal Trainers at your disposal, all working closely to support you achieving your goal.

How much can I expect to lose?

Everyone is different, but it is not unusual to lose 1kg a week, providing the diet and exercise plan is followed correctly.

Your program includes:

  • Detailed nutritional assessment with our experienced nutritionist
  • Baseline blood tests for hidden barriers to weight loss
  • Physician consultation to review your results
  • Personalised diet plan depending on your individual needs
  • Complete Supplement pack to support your weight loss and reduce symptoms
  • Personal exercise plan (or referral to a top Personal Trainer in Hong Kong)
  • Five weekly consultations with our nutritionist and ongoing support throughout your program

What people are saying;

“I lost 3 kg in 3 weeks and that’s without exercise! I’ve tried to lose weight before under professional supervision and it hasn’t worked. With LIFE clinic’s approach I’ve regained my confidence and have belief that I’ll reach my goal and feel great.” – Iza R, Trader

“Finally…I’ve found a way to lose weight and keep it off. The nutritional advice I received was very supportive and practical. The LIFE clinic weight loss program reviews all factors affecting your weight, which was reassuring. I’ve lost 7 kg in 4 months, and I need to lose only 2 kg more to reach my goal.” – Suzanne F,  Busy Mum

Start your 6-weeks “kick-start” program TODAY by calling 2881 8131 and book your first appointment with our nutritionist.

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