Unlike conventional medicine, we aim to figure out what’s going on internally so we can fix the root cause of your health issue, instead of just addressing your symptoms. To do this, we offer a range of state-of-the-art testing methods, which our doctors and practitioners will use to help bring you back to optimal health.

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  • Comprehensive Micronutrient Test- a white blood cell intracellular test, analyzing all vitamins and most minerals together with key endogenous antioxidants
  • Circulating Tumor Cells Test– a blood test, measuring the number of circulating tumor cells per ml of blood, used for monitoring and screening of cancer
  • Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis– a stool analysis which evaluates your microbiome, assessing all types of pathogens, and checking gut inflammation, leaky gut and the function of the pancreas, liver and colon
  • Oxidative Damage Markers- two tests that measure oxidative damage: 8OHgG which assesses DNA damage, and Lipid Peroxides which assesses fatty acid, membrane oxidation.
  • Heavy Metals Challenge Tests- a twin urine test which checks the stored levels of heavy metals in the body, evaluating heavy metals including mercury, lead, arsenic, aluminum, cadmium and more.
  • Environmental Pollutants Test- a spot morning urine test which checks petro-chemical pollutants like pesticides, plasticizers and organo-phosphates
  • Liver Detoxification Profile- a test to evaluate your liver’s functional ability to detoxify efficiently through phase I and phase II detoxification
  • Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth- a breath test taken over several hours, which assesses the status of bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine
  • Inflammation Markers Tests- we test a variety of blood based inflammatory markers including CRP, Homocysteine, ESR, Cytokines among others, which can help practitioners assess the level and source of inflammation occurring in the body
  • Food Allergy Tests- a variety of blood tests measuring IgG, IgA, IgE, non-antibody mediated responses to food together with histamine reactions


  • Baseline Hormonal Profile- An assessment to measure the levels of key hormones available to target tissues
  • Complete Hormonal Profile- A comprehensive assessment measuring hormones including sex hormones, thyroid hormones, and others like melatonin
  • Male Hormone Profile- An assessment to measure the levels of key male hormones related to sex drive, facial and body hair growth, proper muscle development and more
  • 28 Day Female Cycle Hormone Profile- An assessment to measure the levels of key female hormones related to fertility, PMS, hair growth and more
  • Sex Hormones Metabolites– This dried urine test measures progesterone and testosterone, as well as adrenal function, to provide a complete overview of all the sex hormones
  • Thyroid Hormones- To assess thyroid levels for patients having weight issues or other symptoms related to low or high thyroid function
  • Adrenal Hormones– To assess cortisol levels for patients suffering from fatigue or stress
  • Growth Hormones– To assess hormones related to growth and anti aging


  • Genetic Testing- Genetic testing offers a unique breadth of health parameters: a gene-based healthy
    eating plan; dietary goals for relevant vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and foods; and nutritional
    supplement recommendations. With this genetic knowledge, practitioners can provide specific diet and
    lifestyle recommendations so patients can take the necessary steps to lead a life most favorable to their genes.
  • Well Man Screening- Comprehensive health screening to assess metabolic health, heart health, and organ function through hormone panels, vitamin profiles and tumor marker screenings for men
  • Well Woman Screening- Comprehensive health screening to assess metabolic health, heart health, and organ function through hormone panels, vitamin profiles and tumor marker screenings for women
  • Anti-Aging Screening Profile- Comprehensive health screening with anti-aging biomarkers
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